Panni Loh
Artist - Panni Poh Yoke Loh

07913 915783

Painting a Damselfly view of Kenwood Hall Hotel - 31 Aug 2021


A short walk from where I live I can wander the lovely gardens of the Kenwood Hall Hotel, former home of Sheffield Cutlery Manufacturer George Wolstenholm in 1845. Kenwood Hall Hotel, now owned by the Mercure Hotel has donated golden frames for local artists to fill with their work. To me it seemed only fitting to inhabit the frame with a painting celebrating the natural beauty around Kenwood Hall. It was summer when I perused the grounds looking for painting inspiration. What caught my eye were the damsel flies hovering over the lake. They grace us with their short lived sparkling energy for a relatively short time.

Watching the damsel flies flitting over their aquatic place of choice I noticed the small yellow water lillies-nuphar lutea that they flew around. Crouching down to get an almost eye-level view of the lake I decided that was what i wanted to paint. The leaves of the what are commonly known brandy bottle flowers-on account of the alcohol-like scent they exude, rise up from the water and drape in a graceful fashion.

So here's my painting which will be on shown as part of the Nether Edge Festival 'Kenwood Frames' 13.00-15.00pm on September 11th and 12th plus September 18th and 19th in Nether Edge Club  and then on Sunday October 17th at 17.00pm auction in aid of Chelsea Park Playground at Kenwood Hall Hotel.